West coast to East coast move Published: Aug 06, 2006
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Moving just about sucks. Unfortunately we need to move again. West coast living expenses are pretty high out here in B.C.

so we’re moving on up, to the east side and going to get a nice deluxe apartment lol :D Actually I’m sick of apartments to and looking to get my first house. By the way none of this is related to technical stuff, so you can stop reading now if you’re bored of my ramblings! Anyway, I’m really pumped to find my first house - something with a nice little garage to work on my truck and get some toys (sled, atv, etc). Being able to tear down walls, if I don’t like them, that day without loosing my damage deposite would also be a nice bonus.
I’m excited to have a full basement full of techie stuff like a couple servers and a nice house network. It is time.. Then not having to worry about moving it all in 6 months down the road. Man am I tired of moving crap, buying crap and selling crap. /end rant.
For anyone wasting money, like me, by renting then I urge you to get a house while they’re still cheap and quit moving around like me, its just a waste of time, money and really stressful.

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