DirectAdmin Review Published: Nov 30, 2005
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HostVoice has offered to pay you $20 for searching for a hosting provider.

In an effort to separate themselves from the competition, - a free interactive service that connects webmasters with web hosts - has launched a new promotion where it will reward any user that tries out their free service and finds a host for their website, with a $20 cashback.

HostVoice’s key business model is to provide leads to the web hosting industry. The process starts when potential customers complete a form detailing their requirements. This information is automatically channeled to a panel of 8 web hosting companies who are able to provide the consumer with a custom quote via eMail or phone. By keeping the number of companies small, it helps improve visibility and also doesn’t flood the customer with quotes.

In the last six months, has successfully served over 5,000 leads to web hosts such as whose owner Jon Walters told us “I was a little skeptical to work with them ( However, their team helped me get started, I began receiving leads and was excited to see quite a bit of information on the lead’s needs and wants that helped me tailor my quotes. Their leads have helped my company grow by delivering quality leads that can turn into business”. HostVoice has also received praise from other advertisers about their level of service.

“This promotion is a win-win situation for both the consumers, since they get cashback for services that they need, and the hosting companies that advertise with us, since their conversion rates increase without any additional spending on their behalf" said Boris Mordkovich, Director of Operations at EchoMedia Solutions, Inc., the parent company of HostVoice.

For additional information, visit or call (800) 543-9579.

About HostVoice/EchoMedia Solutions, Inc.

HostVoice is owned and operated by a New York marketing firm, that helps web hosting companies promote their brand and gain new clients, by providing them with affordable and targeted hosting leads.

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